How to get positive habits

Alright, so now that you have broken free from your addictions, you probably have a lot more time on your hands. This is great, as it means you have a lot more time for new and better habits.

1. Start doing daily exercise

Not saying you have to be in the gym everyday of the week, you should have rest days as well, but on those rest days, you should still be doing some sort of exercise. Could be a sport you really like, could be going for a run (if you are trying to lose weight), could be going for a bike ride, could be going to the beach, etc. Make sure you are exercising for at least an hour or 2 a day as well.

If you have a daily routine, add going to the gym and sport as part of it. If you don't have one, I'd highly recommend making one. Make exercise something you do right after school/work.

For the gym, have a workout plan. Here is the one I use, and would recommend you use too:

Day 1: Chest and back

Day 2: Arms and shoulder

Day 3: Abs and legs

Day 4: Arms and shoulders

Day 5: Chest and back

On my 2 rest days, I usually like to go for a bike ride or walk. It's nice and relaxing, and you should try doing that too.

If you miss a few days of the gym because of something like a holiday or whatever, it's not the end of the world, but try to eat as much protein as possible whilst on the holiday.

The gym is very important, but so is diet. As one is useless without the other, the next part of this diet will talk about how to get a good diet.

2. Get a better diet

Eat fruits, vegetables, proteins, etc. That way, you gain muscle, rather than body fat.

Limit sugar in foods and drinks. Of course, nowadays, sadly everything in shops contains sugar, which is why you should limit packaged shit. I'm not saying you need to completely avoid it, but try to look for healthier alternatives.

Chicken and rice > Fast food

Grilled chicken burger/sandwich > Processed burger

Nuts > Processed chips

Homemade meals > Takeaway

Yoghurt > Ice cream

Protein shakes > Milkshakes

Water > Soda

What I do is make my diet 80% the healthy alternatives, and 20% the other option. That way, the majority of my diet is healthy, but I can still eat junk food in moderation.

Final advice is to make sure you have at least 3 meals and 2l of water a day. Even if you are trying to lose weight, that's not a reason to starve yourself.

3. Pray and meditate daily

As for praying, do it in the morning and before bed. Make sure you are in a quiet area when you do it. My suggestions would be your room or garden, if you have one. Say thank you to god for giving you another day, and don't just pray for your desires.

As for meditating, also do it in a quiet area. Don't use some bs app or YouTube video, just do it quietly. Breathe in and out, and clear your mind while doing it. It's pretty simple, just sit in silence, on your bed, for 5-10 minutes a day, and don't think about anything whilst doing it.

4. Read daily

Would recommend doing it at night. Remove all distractions, such as your phone, from your room whilst reading, and read books that interest you.

5. Set daily tasks

Here's mine, feel free to adjust:

High Priority

  • Work on side hustle
  • Maintain healthy/high protein diet
  • Workout
  • Homework/study
  • Prayer
  • Medium priority

  • Wake up at 7am (weekdays) or 8am (weekends)
  • Drink 8 glasses of water
  • Start getting ready for bed 9:30pm (weekdays) or 10:30pm (weekends)
  • Lights out 10pm (weekdays) or 11pm (weekends)
  • Make an advertisement
  • Low priority (habit tracker)

  • Make bed
  • Cold shower
  • NoFap
  • Semen retention
  • Play guitar
  • 6. Have a routine

    You can use mine and change it up based on personal needs:

    7:00 am: Morning Routine

    8:00 am: School

    4:00 pm: Gym

    5:00 pm: Work on business

    9:00 pm: Journaling and reading

    10:00 pm: Lights out

    This was made as part of Hamza's dopamine detox, which is a part of his adonis protocol. It's free, and would definitely recommend joining.

    As for my "morning routine", I usually wake up, make myself breakfast and a cup of coffee, have a cold shower, get ready, and leave to go to school. And no, of course I don't spend all the time between 5 and 9 pm on my business. I eat dinner and talk to my family too.

    7. Journaling

    You can either do it in a notebook or on google docs. Do it at the end of each day, and write down everything you remember about the day. At the end, make a list of things that were good and things that were bad. For the good things, be grateful and thankful for them. For the bad things, think about why they were bad, and how you could prevent them. I'm not saying everythings preventable, but try to prevent what is preventable.

    Be completely honest when you are journaling. Instead of being sad about what happened, acknowledge it's the past, and prevent it from happening. We all make mistakes, nobody's perfect. The only person that will be reading the journal is you. Not me, not your parents, none of the kids at school, just you. When you are done writing it, read it, and reflect over it.

    8. Live everyday like you may not wake up tomorrow

    I'm sorry to scare you a bit, but 1/50,000 people die each day. This means that's the chance you won't wake up tomorrow. You should use the fear from this as a reason to work hard everyday, especially when you don't feel like it.

    Yes, you will most likely live for 80-90 years, but why waste this shit? Make your parents proud. They will not be proud of a lazy son/daughter, will they?

    9. Have a good sleep schedule

    Say goodbye to staying up late playing games with your friends. Even on weekend nights, you still have a day ahead of you. I'm not saying to cut out video games completely, but they aren't worth losing sleep over.

    Go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 7 am. You can sleep in on weekends but don't make it a habit.

    If you want reasoning, better sleep makes you think better, less angry, be healthier physically, have a better memory, etc. If you don't believe me, google it.

    10. Fix your social life

    I'm going to assume at least one of these things are true:

  • You get bullied

  • You don't have a girlfriend

  • Your the only person in your friend group who's doing self improvement

  • So, I am going to go over how you can fix these things.

    As for the first one, you are going to have to do something about it. If you are getting called "fat", you are going to have to lose weight, and once you are done, you are going to have to gain muscle. If you are getting called "skinny", you are going to have to gain muscle. I don't care if this is "offensive" or "toxic masculinity", it's the honest truth. You can either get a gym membership or keep getting bullied, your choice. Even if you aren't getting bullied because of your weight, you are still going to have to get stronger, otherwise, I can't help you. If you can't get a gym membership, do push-ups, squats, etc. Just think about why you are getting bullied, and what you can do about it.

    It's the same with finding a girlfriend. Think about why you don't have one and what you can do about it. As well as this, start being more social. There's a saying “never go grocery shopping while you are hungry, because you will just grab whatever you can, all because you are hungry”. Don't look for girls while you are lonely. Make a few good friends first. You also need to be confident and actually talk to girls. If there's a girl in one of your classes, you could ask her about the homework or something. Each time you do that, you get a bit more confident when talking to girls. Also, don't try to be one of the "cool kids" at school who vape and shit just to get girls. Sure, some of them may have a hot girlfriend, but her personality is more important than her looks. I will finish this paragraph with a quote "If you chase butterflies, they will fly away. But if you build a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come."

    As for the last part, all I can say is start talking to them about self improvement. Ask them to go to the gym with you, send them self improvement videos, etc. If your friends are asking you to vape with them, asking you to stay up late playing video games with them, etc, either try to get them out of these habits or stop being friends with them all together. Have friends that actually have goals in life.

    11. Start a side hustle

    My recommendation is to do content creation. Start doing videos on something that is popular, but change it up a bit. Instead of making regular fun facts videos, do fact videos on a particular topic. Instead of doing regular reddit story videos, add AI images to them. Also, make a business somewhat relevant to your account. My recommendation would be a clothing brand, as this business also has one. I am working on a full guide on this stuff, and it will be out soon.

    12. Take cold showers

    They are good for removing acne. I usually have them in the mornings and sometimes after workouts. However, don't have them before sleep, as they make you more awake at night.

    13. Spend time with family and friends

    These people won't always be there. Your relationships with these people are more important than anything. Any amount of money, any amount of anything. Make them proud, and spend time with them.

    14. Do what you love

    Now, don't take this in the wrong way. By "what you love", I mean stuff like hobbies. Scrolling on social media, jerking off, partying, etc aren't hobbies. Do stuff like playing an instrument, sport, coding, or whatever actually interests you.

    15. Accepting Failure

    So, let's say you start an online business, and it fails. Acknowledge the fact you've actually failed for starters. We've all failed at some point in life. Think about why you failed, and how you could prevent it. Even do a little research on it so it doesn't happen again. Work twice as hard next time.